So guys, sorry i haven't been posting for a while, I have a lot to cover but I'm just gunna try to cover ONE topic today. I hope everyone had a lethal spring break~ I know I did. So i was just on the h&m site, checking out the rockin' new collection matthew williamson did for them and came across one outfit it looks like SATC/ Carrie Bradshaw absolutely inspired! Carrie Bradshaw, of course, has inspired COUNTLESS outfits of mine. I just thought I would bring this little "inspirations" (or do you think it's a rip off? Comment!) to everyone's attention. Thats all, P.S. look at the pockets for MORE similarities. I think we should alert Patricia Field, no?
Stephanie Rose
I love that dress! I think it's kind of in the age of fashion where almost everything can be created has been created and there's accidents when people design stuff not knowing it's already been designed!