Tuesday, March 10, 2009

I have a problem and need everyone to help.

So, I know that this is in no way fashion related but I have a serious dillemma. So today at play rehersal ( Im kindof a drama geek) this guy I liked asked me out (Yes my fellow readers, I'm a teenager, these our our kind of dilemma, so bear with me) My problem is my parents don't let me date. I don't wanna say no because I really like him, but I don't wanna hide our relashionship because then it will turn into one of the dont talk to each other stupid elementary things. Maybe we should be FWB (Friends with Benafits) 
Stephanie Rose


  1. Alot of kids at my school do this. Date kind of like at school hang out together, talk, and call each other bf & gf might sound weird. I understand though i'm not allowed to date either.

  2. Its a risk but i think im going to say yes tomarrow <3
    Stephanie Rose

  3. OMG! I'm saying yess in less than an hour at play rehersal! Wish me good luck!

    Stephanie Rose

  4. I just did it. were going out!!! <3
